Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Year Anniversary

This is just a quick post to note that today is the first anniversary of this blog. The first review was of Smile Oven Tamago Pan and there have been 249 posts in total over the past year. That means I've averaged about 5 posts a week since starting (which is no surprise since I post every weekday).

Thanks to everyone who so kindly reads and follows this blog as well as to the people who have linked to my posts and site. If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be a first anniversary at all as I'm sure I'd have given up without your support!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    I would've typed it in Japanese, but I forgot how to say Happy BIrthday in Japanese.

  2. Thank you. :-)

    I prefer sentiments be in the language of the blog, even though it is about Japanese stuff. Besides, most Japanese people actually say "hap-pi basu-dei" anyway. ;-)

  3. Hap-pi basu-dei!

    Enjoying your reviews.

  4. Congratulations! Keep up the good work - otsukaresama desu!

  5. Happy blog birthday! I don't comment often, but this blog is really fun to read.

  6. congrats! this has quickly become a "must read" blog for me, not just because the products are interesting but because your writing style is really fun. thanks!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday!! I absolutely love your blog!


  8. Congratulations! You are quite lucky to be as prolific (and terrific) a writer as you are and I hope that you continue to post many great reviews! :)

    (I still have some that I need to post from the goodies you sent me. I promise!)

  9. Hi, Mike, and thank you for your kind words!

    Being prolific has never been a problem for me, but sampling so many goodies and not putting on weight is quite tricky. When I started this, I hadn't really thought much about the nutritional aspects, but lately, I've had to really keep some balance going.


Some people have been abusing the privilege of being allowed to post anonymously, so, unfortunately, I've had to disable anonymous commenting capability. My apologies to the well-intentioned who post as anonymous but the bad apples have spoiled it for everyone.