Friday, January 22, 2010

Gokaku KitKat Mug Winner Pics

For anyone who'd like to see the happy winner with her mug, Rene has posted some pictures on her site.

Frankly, I'm shocked at how badly beat up the box was when it arrived. It was perfect and pristine when I sent it off (and brand new so it should have had the molecular integrity to hold up under normal postal stress). And I was glad that I went bonkers with the bubble wrap to protect the mug!


  1. Congrats to the winner.. Rene looks and sounds like just a fun chick to hang out with too!

  2. I saw the display for the mugs in a store today, but I haven't seen the actual mugs. I'm going to head out tomorrow and look for them!


Some people have been abusing the privilege of being allowed to post anonymously, so, unfortunately, I've had to disable anonymous commenting capability. My apologies to the well-intentioned who post as anonymous but the bad apples have spoiled it for everyone.