Sunday, March 14, 2010

Japan Times profile of this blog

This comes under the heading of "shameless self-promotion". The Japan Times interviewed me and has published a profile of me and both of my blogs (both this one and my 1000 Things About Japan blog). If you're interested, you can read it on the Japan Times web site here.


  1. Congratulations on the well deserved profile!

  2. FINALLY, you get the pat on your back.. that you damn well deserve. I congrats would have done.. but naw.. not from me..

    Well done you.....

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so awesome ^_^

  4. Thanks to everyone for the kind and supportive words. I really appreciate it, and the fact that you all take the time to read my blog(s). :-)

    I know that sounds like some sort of catch-all thing I'm saying out of obligation, but I sincerely do appreciate that people take their time (and time is always valuable) to read what I write.

  5. A nice interview with some great info about how you approach the different styles of writing a blog.

    Thank you for the mention. It is wonderful to here from you. ^_^

  6. shibuya246: I really think you deserve your own profile!

    Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


Some people have been abusing the privilege of being allowed to post anonymously, so, unfortunately, I've had to disable anonymous commenting capability. My apologies to the well-intentioned who post as anonymous but the bad apples have spoiled it for everyone.