Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Condensed Milk Strawberry KitKat (product announcement)

Image from Nestle Japan

Yesterday, Nestle Japan released a "new" big bar flavor, condensed milk strawberry KitKat.  It was placed on convenience store shelves yesterday, and takes its rightful place among the dozens of strawberry KitKat bar releases which inspire this blogger to yawn in ingratitude. I wouldn't buy this if I saw it, because I'm already sure that it tastes like overly sweet powdered milk with some fairly decent, but unimpressive strawberry flavor. If I'm proven wrong, feel free to say so in comments. I can take it.

I should mention that condensed milk and strawberries are a very popular combo in Japan. When the berries come in season, bins or baskets of toothpaste-tube style condensed milk are usually not far from the tony (read: expensive) homes of the juicy red beauties. The packaging is designed to let you squeeze some disgusting goo on the precious fruit as you eat it. In the U.S., condensed milk is sold in cans because we don't tend to think of it as something we slather on unsuspecting fruit, but rather as something we roll into sugar-laden, hyper-fatty baked goods.


  1. Thank you for explaining the whole 'condensed milk thing'... since like many in the states. We associate condensed milk with baking, not snacking, much less in a tube.

    Thanks for the good read as usual. Oh and not sure if it's your doing but my blog has gotten a TON more traffic as of late. So if you said or did something thank you!

  2. Over in the UK we only get condensed milk in cans too...
    as much as we used it for cooking, and pouring in coffee it's also popular poured over fruit for a cheap desert. I'm not a fan myself though :/ tubed condensed milk sounds very strange!

  3. Bradley: I don't think I said or did anything, but I did weed out dead links from my link list a day or so ago. I'm glad that you're getting more traffic regardless!

    Shell: I forgot about putting condensed milk in coffee. I did know that some people did that (and it makes sense if you like to have both sugar and milk in your coffee), but it's not so common here.

    In the U.S., we tend to use "half & half" in coffee which I think is some weird half cream/half milk concoction. I personally use almond milk and my husband uses full cream in coffee, but there are tons and tons of creamer options in the dairy section that are designed for coffee which really seem like they're unnecessarily modified for human consumption.

    Thanks to both of you for your comments!

  4. Thanks for the acknowledgement! Either way I've not been updating as frequently, but I've moved WAY farther from my local market that sells these goods. That said, I'll try if I can...

    Keep doing what you do, your blog is incredibly fun to read!

  5. I tried the bar last week, and tastes exactly as you predicted! Lol.

  6. Iiemzie: That's awesome to know! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm sorry you paid the price that I didn't have to. ;-)


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